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In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law n ° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for Confidence in the digital economy, known as LCEN, users of the site are notified of the these legal notices.
The connection and navigation on the site by the user implies full and unreserved acceptance of these legal notices.

"Lovely Creation Home" is a company created, edited and managed by Ayse Ay, whose head office is located at 6T IMP des vendangeurs, 13700 Marignane.
SIRET: 897 653 069 00012
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The host of the site is the Wix Company, whose head office is located at 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158, with the telephone number: +1 415-639-9034.

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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The owner of the site is the owner of the intellectual property rights or the rights of use on all the elements accessible on the site such as texts, illustrations, files, images, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, information, content, materials, products, services, ...
Any use, reproduction, distribution, marketing, modification of all or part of the site without the owner's authorization is prohibited and may result in actions and legal proceedings as provided in particular by the Intellectual Property Code and the Code. civil.

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